portfolio and academic work

Each project is an unique piece of development 🧩


Scribble Solver ✏️

The ScribbleSolver is a web based machine learning model that combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to recognize and interpret handwritten mathematical equations. This project has resulted in a model that accurately identifies digits and mathematical symbols from handwritten input, effectively translating these into solvable equations.




Language Detection 🔎

Language detection is a language identification model built on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) using Python and TensorFlow. It employs character n-grams to classify the language of any given text input. The system is capable of ingesting user inputs and efficiently outputting the identified language. This project includes the visualization of learned features using techniques such as PCA to give insights into how the network differentiates between languages.




Tic Tac Toe #

Introducing the amazing game of Tic Tac Toe! Built with the power of React.js's component-based architecture and the incredible capabilities of the virtual DOM, this game boasts a visually stunning interface that is sure to impress. To ensure a seamless and smooth gaming experience, the game logic has been integrated with JavaScript. This means that you can enjoy playing Tic Tac Toe without any interruption or delay, and focus solely on having fun!


Tailwind CSS


Real Time Chat Room 💬

Real Time Chat Room is web-based chatroom application utilizing Node.js’s web sockets for seamless real-time communication between users, with modern development practices ensuring optimal performance and scalability. The Interface and server infrastructure is purely built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript allowing real time message exchange between users with ease and efficency.


Vanila CSS
